When are Britain’s public holidays? What’s on in Britain? Use the drop-down menu to explore Britain’s calendar – the annual events that take place in Britain, from Spring through Summer and Autumn to Winter. Unless specifically stated, a date or event is not a public holiday.
So – what about public holidays?
In Britain, there is little practical difference between a public or a bank holiday, and the terms are used interchangeably. A bank holiday is a legal holiday on a weekday when banks, schools and other institutions are closed. Bank holidays can affect travel – for example, public transport companies often operate Sunday services and traffic on roads is often heavier. If a bank holiday date falls over a weekend, a substitute weekday – usually the next Monday – becomes the Bank Holiday.

You may also be interested in the book, A Bit About Britain’s High Days and Holidays, which contains the above information as well as (surprisingly) details of the origins of Britain’s Highdays and Holidays!