Last updated on April 27th, 2024 at 02:59 pm

A statue of 1960s pop idol Billy Fury stares out from Liverpool’s Albert Dock, across the Mersey, where he used to work on a tug-boat. Billy was hot stuff in his day. Of course, no immediate contemporary of mine has any clear recollection of those far-off heady times, when Billy Fury made the girls swoon. Nor, so far as I’m aware, did our Bill make any impact beyond the United Kingdom – though I did hear that he once met Elvis (Presley, not Costello). But you may be vaguely familiar with his biggest hit, a cover of Tony Orlando’s ‘Halfway to Paradise’; it spent 23 weeks in the charts in 1961 and got to No 3. Did you know it was written by Carole King and Gerry Goffin?  You do now. It is, undeniably, the sound of an era, full of scudding violins, teenage angst and unrequited love. Have you looked at the lyrics of some of these compositions? Surely, Halfway to Paradise is a metaphor. Baby, please don’t tease. Teenager in love. Three steps to Heaven. Clearly, as well as having to cope with a world that was still largely black and white, the kids of the 1950s and early 60s were in a permanent state of sexual frustration. Unlike teenagers at any other time before, or since.

Billy’s follow-up, ‘Jealousy’, reached No 2, but was only in the charts for 12 weeks. Overall, the lad had 24 hits in the ’60s, which his fans like to point out was only 3 fewer than fellow-Liverpudlians The Beatles struggled to achieve over the same period – though actually the Fab Four did manage 11 more top tens and 17 more No 1s than Billy did. There was only ever one Bill, though.

However, comparing the then new music of groups like the Beatles, Kinks and Stones with artists like Billy Fury is unfair; rather like comparing Cole Porter with John Lee Hooker; honey with blue stilton. I gather Billy started as an unashamed rock ‘n’ roller – and a pretty good one, by all accounts – but he is best known as a balladeer in the late ‘50s mould. Very few of the top acts in Britain at that time successfully transitioned their clean-cut (but frustrated) selves through to the end of the next decade – Cliff Richard being one notable exception.
Like Sir Cliff, Billy Fury was a bit of an ersatz Elvis at first: handsome in a boyish kind of way, ready with the obligatory lip-curl and moody look, equally compulsory DA (duck’s arse) haircut, a reputation for hip-swinging, sexually-provocative concerts; and a more than adequate voice.

Born Ronald Wycherley in Haliburton Street in Liverpool’s Dingle area (as was Ringo Starr) on 17 April 1940, two bouts of rheumatic fever as a child left him with a heart problem, which ultimately took his life too soon. His break came when he came to the attention of leading pop impresario Larry Parnes, the Simon Cowell of his day, who the press dubbed ‘Mr Parnes Shillings and Pence’ – a reference that only those with an understanding of Britain’s pre-decimal currency will appreciate. According to legend, Parnes was so impressed that he put the young, shy, Wycherley on stage almost as soon as they met in 1958 at a gig in Birkenhead. Parnes had a stable of teen-idol male artists, who he liked to rename as part of their route to stardom, a process which began with the highly successful Tommy Steele (Thomas Hicks) and went on to include Marty Wilde (Reginald Smith), Vince Eager (Roy Taylor), Johnny Gentle (John Askew) and Dickie Pride (Richard Kneller). So Ronald Wycherley became Billy Fury. Another signing was Joe Brown – who apparently refused to change his name to Elmer Twitch. I so much want that to be true…
The world of pop wouldn’t be the same without its mythology. The Beatles (then known as the Silver Beatles) were among the bands Parnes auditioned as Billy Fury’s backing group. Versions differ, but the popular story is that they were offered the slot for 20 quid a week provided they sacked their bass player, Stu Sutcliffe, which John Lennon refused to do. Anyway, the Beatles went on to tour Scotland with Johnny Gentle, and Billy Fury’s new backing group was The Tornados (who had a massive hit in their own right with the instrumental, ‘Telstar’).

Sadly, Billy Fury died of heart failure in Paddington, London, on 28 January 1983, aged just 42. The bronze statue which started this piece was created by Liverpool sculptor Tom Murphy and unveiled on 19 April 2003. It was funded by Fury’s loyal fans and the ceremony was attended by hundreds of them.  Afterwards, a tribute concert was held, headlined by Billy-Ron’s younger brother, Albie (stage name Jason Eddie, as if Albie Wycherley didn’t roll off the tongue sufficiently well). The statue was donated to Liverpool Museums and moved to its current location outside the Pier Master’s House in Liverpool’s Albert Dock in 2007. Billy still has a following, albeit the numbers are inevitably dwindling. An active Billy Fury fan club, ‘Sound of Fury’, existed until 2019, but was discontinued after the death of his mother, Jean. There is still a Facebook page, ‘In Thoughts of You’ (a hit for Billy in 1965) – though that had not been updated since 2017 the last time I looked. There is a Billy Fury website, however. Â
Most people passing Billy Fury’s statue nowadays will have no idea who he was, and certainly no recollection of his brief moment of fame. But I think Billy deserves his statue, don’t you? He certainly brought pleasure to a lot people, despite the evident frustration of Halfway to Paradise.
Let your imagination go and listen to the song….now go take a cold shower.

Billy Fury is far from forgotten. I have discovered, thanks to Matt Brown’s comment below, that Billy has an alley (albeit possibly a slightly dodgy one) named after him in West Hampstead, NW6. You’ll also see a link on Matt’s comment to a picture of Billy’s grave in Mill Hill. Further investigation revealed the alley-naming was because Billy used to record at the Decca studios nearby and that a mural of him had been painted on the alley wall – though this might have disappeared by now. And then I came across the ‘Halfway to Paradise’ tour, the Billy Fury Story, performed by his one-time band, Billy Fury’s Tornadoes. Their website contains much more information about Billy. There’s more: the cutting-edge music magazine, Vintage Rock, featured a 20-page Billy Fury pull-out in its August 2018 edition. To cap it all, there’s a book, ‘Halfway to Paradise: the Billy Fury Story’, by David and Caroline Stafford, published in 2018. The notes on Amazon contain this quote: “There’s only ever been two English rock ‘n’ roll singers,” Ian Dury said, “Johnny Rotten and Billy Fury.”
Thanks for the music Mike, that’s one of my favourites from the 60s. I met Billy back in 1976, when he played a gig at my local Labour club – got his autograph on the back of a beer mat which I still treasure 🙂
That would be worth a bob or two to the right buyer, Eunice!
I would just like to say thank you for your lovely words about Billy Fury and the Statue. Billy gets overlooked because of the Beatles, etc.  I have been in the Fan Club The Sound of Fury, since we lost him. We had been trying to raise awareness about him and you have done a lovely job too. I helped raise the money for the Statue and everyone is so proud of it. The Fans that have been with us over the years, are really pleased to have all the Facebook Groups to spread the word that the Fan Club The Sound of Fury is FREE to join. People have to get in touch with them and ask for their name to be included. As well as the Groups on Facebook, there is an excellent Billy Fury Archive run by Lee Fry. Once again I would like to thank you, because I have found that your organisation is the best I have found. x
Billy Fury the finest rocker/balladeer these shores produced. Far too underrated and barely mentioned around the fever pitch of music from Liverpool when the Beatles are mentioned. Rock on like Fury Paul
The boy could certainly sing!
Well said Paul-he was the UK’s answer to Elvis, our No.1 rock ‘n roll singer/live act of the late 50’s early 60’s -it’s an injustice that so many people on here haven’t heard of him-that’s the fault of the radio/tv media people who rarely play his music-he made some fantastic quality records-check him out on YouTube; “
” 1959 ; “
” 1961
Astonishing clips – you can certainly see the Elvis influence and he did have a great voice. Thanks for dropping in and leaving the links.
Best write up I’ve ever read about Billy, thank you he deserves it. My hero for many years. Still have my memorabilia of Billy and I’m 71 now.
That’s very flattering, thank you, Babs; hope you enjoy the rest of the site.
He was one of my favourites and I still sing Billy on Karaoke hehehe. Not afraid to admit it either!!!!!
I met him at Newmarket races a couple of times in the early 70s when home on leave from Germany .
He could certainly keep a tune – I dare not subject folk to my karaoke efforts! I knew he was a keen bird watcher – didn’t know about the horses – thanks for dropping in and letting us know!
That is a fine statue and I love the sunset over the Mersey photograph.
Thank you, CP; it was a lucky snap.
I do remember him and remember my brother dressing like him with that hair cut. Took a surprisingly long time for the statue to be given prominence in Liverpool .
It was a look of the time, wasn’t it? Yes – maybe people were slow to erect statues to anyone other than political or military leaders!
I don’t recall Billy ever making it onto the 50s and 60s radio station Dad always had on, but I’m glad to have heard him- great voice!
No, sadly, our Bill never made it outside the UK. Cracking the US market was the dream of every British pop star – and then the Beatles did it in 1964.
Did they ever!
That’s such a fun statues! More statues should be that jovial.
I agree!
Here in London we have a Billy Fury Wai in West Hampstead (a smelly alley that’s definitely not a Wondrous Place), and I chanced across his grave in Mill Hill
Thanks very much for looking in and adding that, Matt. I knew he was buried in Mill Hill, but had never heard of Billy Fury Way. This also took me into a bit more research that I should probably have carried out more thoroughly in the first place! Have updated the article appropriately.
Good to read about his too short life and to know he still has a following. Sadly, I can’t remember seeing his statue last year when I walked around the Albert Dock area. I have heard his songs as they are played now and then on the radio but wouldn’t have heard them when they first came out as Mum and Dad didn’t listen to pop music. Thanks for another interesting post, Mike.
I was lucky to have two older brothers who played music – and mum and dad were pretty tolerant, I think!
Hi Mike – I remember him … and he was goodlooking – sad he died so early … his music is a delight to listen to – but fun to have the back story … including ‘shillings and pence’ … cheers Hilary
I had the wretched song in my head all weekend; the sacrifices made for art..?!
made for blogging … more like! H
No, no – it’s art… 🙂
I remember him well – and the permanent state of sexual frustration. Never heard the ‘Parnes, shillings, and pence’ dub though. One would need to understand cockney pronunciation, too.
Sorry to hear that, Derrick…
I’m really too young to remember Billy Fury well, but that record was amongst a pile my uncle gave me along with his record player in 1966 or thereabouts. I liked it, but I liked Buddy Holly more.
Yeah – what would Buddy Holly have achieved if he’d lived? A real trailblazer. He did the best version of ‘Brown Eyed Handsome Man’, I think.
A brilliant piece of nostalgia. Thanks for the memories
It’s not what it used to be, though, is it?
Oh what an interesting post
BILLY FURY?????? AAaahhhhh! I’m feeling faint…. he was so handsome! I still have the 12 inch wooden ruler that I used in fourth form and there is his name carved into it. Yes I was a fan of Billy. Another of my favourites was Adam Faith…. around the same time I think.
I always think that Adam Faith was trying to sound like Buddy Holly.
Of course I remember Billy Fury and ‘Halfway to Paradise’, heady sexy stuff at the time. I also fondly remember a radio show called ‘Round the Horn’ at that time which took the Mick with a character called Ricky Livid….
Round the Horne…. on BBC radio, Kenneth Horne. Very funny. Also in Much Binding In The Marsh.
Well, I’ve heard the recordings… 🙂
Ricky Livid??? Fabulous!
Brilliant piece of nostalgia. Thanks for sharing it with us
I can’t recall ever hearing of him.
As a California girl, I have never heard of him, but I’m glad he has a statue and a fan club. I got the joke about Parnes, shillings, and pence as I am old enough to remember dealing with it. No sooner had I learned the system than Britain changed to decimals and I was making the change for bewildered British shopkeepers on our next visit!
We’re slowly getting used to decimalisation.
I think this makes me the first of your followers to actually remember him – and all those other blokes Larry Parnes had in his pop stable. Plus a few more. Wasn’t Adam Faith with Parnes? Eden Kane? I didn’t know about the statue, though.
I knew Adam Faith was Terence Nelhams, but didn’t think there was a Parnes connection. I saw him out shopping once… (my goodness, the circles I move in).
Oh dear I remember him too
I’m denying everything.
Good plan.
Parnes, shillings and pence! Just superb!
Not only do I remember the currency I remember Billy Fury, though he was not my style.
I’ll just ride off into the sunset having admitted that lot…
I can’t claim any credit for the quip, unfortunately!
I didn’t know about the statue, or anything much about Billy Fury, so thanks for an enlightening and very interesting post. I can see why Ronald became Billy, but Elmer Twitch – seriously? No wonder Joe Brown refused to change his name – it sounds like a character from a Dickens novel! Seems as though Billy had an eventful, but sadly too short life, and now I can see why they put up a statue of him. Thanks for sharing.
Elmer Twitch sounds like a wind-up to me – but I’ve seen it referenced in several places. Best ask Joe, I guess…
That’d be one way of finding out… Great nugget of info though.
I’ll let you know if I hear…
Please do!
I saw this statue when I was in Liverpool a year ago. I had not heard of him as he didn´t get played in Canada. But the UK born friend I was with was smitten with him with his James Dean look. She insisted I take a picture of her with him. Nice to learn more about him. Thanks.
Yes – very James Dean!
Aah!. Blast from my past and Billy Fury moments.
A Billy Fury moment..?
Only that I used to love his records 🙂
I’ve never heard of this guy. The ocean between us…
Two nations divided by a common music..?