
Articles about British history, or historical events, from prehistoric times to the modern period. Part of the history of Britain.

Dark Age Britain

Roman soldiers

Romano-British culture is swept aside by foreign invaders. Some history books tell you that the Romans left Britain in 410 AD; full stop.  But we must not think that the Romans packed their suitcases, hopped on the first convenient galley to Calais – and that was it, the next bunch of invaders, the Saxons, moved

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Early British history

Silbury Hill, Wiltshire

From nothing to the Roman occupation Once upon a very long time ago, but not necessarily at the same time, Britain was inhabited by extremely large lizards, woolly rhinos, mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers, giant cattle called aurochs, enormous bears, deer with antlers as long as a person – indeed, all manner of wild animals not often

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