British Stuff

‘British stuff’ is a catch-all for something that is particularly British.  What is behind Britain’s legends and traditions?  Why do we do the things we do at Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day – at any time, come to think of it? What anniversaries are being celebrated in Britain this year, including famous people’s birthdays?  Who was St George? St Andrew? St David? What are the recurring events on Britain’s calendar, including bank holidays?  The answers to these questions, and more, could be found in ‘British Stuff’.

National Service of Remembrance

Poppy wreaths, Cenotaph

Amazing; moving; humbling; impressive: words you could choose to describe the annual National Service of Remembrance held in London on Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November.  Thousands attend every year; thousands watch it on TV; thousands more attend similar, albeit slightly more modest, services throughout the United Kingdom – and beyond.  It is an

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