
Places to visit, attractions, heritage and things of interest in or about Merseyside, including Liverpool, in North West England.

Race relations and the place names of North West England

Lake District

I have recently wondered if there is a particular lesson for us in the old place names of North West England.  Now, the interpretation of place names can be a complicated, uncertain, business and it should be stressed that I am no toponymist.  That said, a lack of knowledge doesn’t deter anyone these days, and […]

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The mystery of U-534

U-534, WW2 was in black and white

The sectioned remains of a World War Two vintage German submarine, or U-boat (from Unterseeboot – undersea boat), lie next to Woodside ferry terminal at Birkenhead, on the west bank of the River Mersey. In April 1945, Hitler’s Third Reich was dying.  The Allied armies were inexorably closing in, like the jaws of a giant pair

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Lennon and McCartney’s childhood homes

Lennon, McCartney, childhood homes, Liverpool, Mendips, Menlove Avenue, 20 Forthlin Road

John Lennon lived at Mendips, 251 Menlove Avenue, Woolton, Liverpool L25 from 1945 until around 1963.  Paul McCartney lived at 20 Forthlin Road, Allerton, Liverpool L18 from 1955, also until around 1963. A short discourse on being a Beatles fan With some people, you’ll always remember where you were, and what you were doing, when

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Liverpool’s legendary Cavern Club

The Cavern Club, Liverpool

So there it is, then; The Cavern.  10 Matthew Street, Liverpool 2.  Where Brian Epstein first heard and saw The Beatles perform their lunchtime session on Thursday 9th November 1961.  You know it’s not exactly the same Cavern that the Beatles used to play in, but even so…and, anyway, it’s the closest thing you’re ever

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When Cyn and John got it together

Ye Cracke, Rice Street, Liverpool

They seemed an unlikely pair.  That wise-cracking, aggressive, scruffy teddy-boy Lennon was a world away from the demure, composed, Cynthia Powell, who came from Hoylake ‘over the water’ on the Wirral and spoke posh. It started in the lettering class at Liverpool College of Art.  John Lennon’s speciality was cartoons – often cruel caricatures –

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A bit about North West England

Liverpool, North West England

North West England includes the counties of Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside. North West England extends from the attractive market towns of Cheshire, through the vast urban areas around Liverpool, Manchester, Preston, Blackburn and Burnley, to the wilds of Cumbria in the north – the ancient kingdom of Rheged, where place names reflect

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