
Articles about places, buildings or events from the Georgian era in Britain.  This includes most of the 18th century and the early 19th century.

Ironbridge – cradle of industrialisation?

Ironbridge, Shropshire

You should visit Ironbridge.  Advertised as ‘the birthplace of the industrial revolution’ (not technically true), there’s heaps to see – but it’s also very pleasant to simply wander round the attractive town, take in the atmosphere, indulge in a modest amount of retail therapy and have a tasty pork pie from one of the shops […]

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West Midlands, , , ,

Revolting Britain

Peterloo Massacre

Change makes people restless The radical thinkers of the 18th century offered tantalising visions of a more just society.  Their ideas greatly influenced the French and American revolutions, which produced two of the world’s great republican democracies.  In Britain, the loss of the American colonies was largely accepted with a sense of detached interest, and

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Why they don’t play cricket (much) in the USA

The skirmish at Concord Bridge, Massachusetts

Britain helps create several of the world’s great nations Whilst Britain was busy building its global power in the 18th century, it very carelessly managed to lose 13 British colonies on the east coast of mainland North America.  The colonies were pretty much self-governing, with white populations of mostly independent-minded farmers that were overwhelmingly British

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British expansion

Battle of Trafalgar

Britain reaches out… Of course, every country is the product of its past.  The reminders of Britain’s past – memorials, buildings, institutions, even entire countries – are all around, yet their history is not always recognised; and some of that might make some people feel a little uncomfortable if viewed out of context, and judged

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The last battle

The last battle on British soil, and the end of the Jacobite rising, the Battle of Culloden 16th April 1746

Failed attempts to restore a Catholic Stuart to the British throne The Jacobites, those loyal to the deposed James II and his successors, just wouldn’t go away.  When James died in 1701, support switched to his son, James Francis Edward Stuart, ‘the Pretender’ (not to be confused with ‘The Great Pretender’, which was a hit

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