South East

Places to visit in South East England.  South East England is the most densely populated, and most prosperous, region in Britain outside London.  It stretches from Kent in the east through East and West Sussex to Hampshire and the Isle of Wight along the coast and also includes Surrey, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.  There are two national parks, the South Downs and the New Forest, pretty villages and historic cities like Canterbury and Oxford.  Castles, stately homes and gardens are almost everywhere – Windsor Castle, Blenheim Palace and Wisley, for example – and theme parks like Legoland. Maritime Heritage can be found at the revived naval docks of Portsmouth and Chatham.  The weather is often good too.  The drawback to the south east is that it is busy – and can be expensive.

Along the seafront at Portsmouth

Portsmouth Dockyard

Portsmouth is my hometown.  When growing up there, a walk along the seafront was a frequent occurrence.  It is still often on the agenda when visiting today, so that’s what this is all about.  There are ships to watch coming and going on the Solent, one of Britain’s busiest and best-known waterways, with the Isle […]

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South East, , , , , , , , ,


Elysian Fields and the Temple of Ancient Virtue - part of Stowe Gardens

Stowe is one of those marvellous monuments to profligacy.  It is a great 17th and 18th century mansion, now a school, surrounded by an exquisite landscape that nature only had a passing hand in creating.  Stowe School is a public school, and therefore private.  The gardens were given to the National Trust, so privately owned,

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South East, , , ,

Emmets at Emmetts

Rose covered walkway at Emmetts Garden

You know you’re getting on in years when your kids suggest visiting a garden for pleasure.  It’s even worse when they know the names of the plants.  Anyway, after far too long apart, the Memsahib and I made the great trek in a south-easterly direction to meet the no longer nippers for a weekend.  The

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South East, ,

We went to London for the Coronation

Coronation of King Charles III

We did.  A few other people came along too.  Actually, we didn’t only go to London; we went to Slough.  And Windsor.  And London again.  As the Coronation of Charles III was a moment in time, it seems appropriate to share a few inadequate photographs of this experience with you, dear reader, as well as

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British Stuff Events London South East, , , , ,

Walmer and the Warden of the Cinque Ports

Walmer, Warden of the Cinque Ports

We strolled to Walmer Castle from Deal in September sunshine.  Infamous as the place where the Duke of Wellington died, Walmer Castle was one of Henry VIII’s so-called ‘device forts’, a network of artillery strongholds built to protect England against possible French invasion.  Naturally, we have retained a few of these, just in case.  Walmer

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South East, , , , , , , ,
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