Britain, places to visit, attractions, heritage
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This listings directory of over 950 entries is being phased out.
It now excludes places and things of interest in North East  and North West England.
These can be found in ABAB’s Places.
Places to visit in Yorkshire  are currently being moved to ABAB’s Places.

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Runswick Bay is an attractive bay in North Yorkshire with a small village at the north-west end and a sandy beach to the south-east. It is popular with visitors and once had a thriving artistic community. It's claimed to be perfect for a traditional bucket and spade type holiday - and fossils can occasionally be found on the beach. Originally a fishing village, it was almost completely obliterated by a landslide in the 17th century. The rebuilt village has attractive red-tiled roofs and is almost totally unsuitable for motor vehicles.

Runswick lies on the Cleveland Way trail and is just 5 miles north of Whitby.

North Yorkshire
Post Code
TS13 5HT
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Primary Management
Local Authority

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