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Drumlanrig Castle is the Dumfriesshire seat of the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch and Queensberry, one of Scotland’s finest examples of 17th-century Renaissance architecture and more like a French château than what you might of as a castle.  It comes with a history.  Drumlanrig was a Douglas stronghold, built on land given to the Douglas’ by Robert Bruce in the 14th century.  The Douglas Clan motto is ‘Forward Braveheart!’ and the winged hearts of the family crest are everywhere - carved into stone, decorating ceilings, carpets, gutters – even garden beds.

The Castle has 120 rooms, 17 turrets and four towers and is renowned for its art collection, the Buccleuch Collection, which includes works by Gainsborough, Rembrandt and Holbein.  It houses tapestries allegedly worked by Mary, Queen of Scots and, of course, Bonny Prince Charlie once stayed the night there.

Outside is a 90,000-acre estate, with gardens, miles of beautiful walks, bike trails, fishing and an adventure playground.

Image credit: Historic Houses

Dumfries & Galloway
Post Code
Main Historic Period
Useful Website Address
Galloway Forest Park, New Lanark
Primary Management
Independent – Historic Houses member

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