Britain, places to visit, attractions, heritage
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This listings directory of over 950 entries is being phased out.
It now excludes places and things of interest in the North of England, including Yorkshire.
These  are being added to a new feature, coming soon.

Tap/Click ‘find listings’ for a detailed search – or just have a browse. 


Castell Henllys is a reconstructed Iron Age village, or fort, but the only one in Britain built on an original Celtic site. So the idea is that you walk in the footsteps of the Demetae tribe that lived there 2,000 or so years ago. It is very much geared to schoolchildren, but it is fascinating for all ages. As well as roundhouses, enclosures etc, there is a visitor centre and you can stroll through the surrounding countryside and take a picnic. Regular events are held.

Nr Crymych
Post Code
SA41 3UR
Main Historic Period
Link to featured article
In the National Park off the A487 between Newport and Cardigan.
Primary Management
National Park

If your favourite attraction is not listed yet, and you have a good quality digital photograph of it that you are able to freely send, please get in touch. 

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