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Carn Menyn is a cluster of rocky outcrops, or tors, in the Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire. It is an atmospheric environment, slightly lonely, with excellent views inland as well as over the sea, and several prehistoric remains in the area – such as Foel Trygarn and Bedd Arthur. In addition to the slightly strange arrangement of stones, Carn Menyn has been believed for many years to be the source for the bluestones used to build Stonehenge in Wiltshire 170 miles (274 km) to the east and some 4,500 years ago. The claim is disputed by many and there has been great speculation about how these stones were moved such a distance by Neolithic people. It is also possible that the stones came from several places in the Preseli Hills, not just Carn Menyn. In 2005, it was suggested – apparently seriously - that the stones from Stonehenge should be returned to the Preseli Hills.
Accessible by foot only. Postcode is for a nearby village.
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