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At 965 feet (294 m), Leith Hill is the second highest point in South East England after Walbury Hill in Berkshire.  From the top of the hill are fabulous views south to the sea and north to London – landmarks such as Wembley Station Arch and the skyscrapers of Canary Wharf are clearly visible on a fine day.  All around are waymarked walks, mainly though not exclusively, through woodland.  If you’re minded, you can also count the aircraft taking off from and landing at nearby Gatwick Airport, yet it is surprisingly quiet, and full of flora and fauna.  It is part of the Surrey Hills’ Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

At the top of the hill is Leith Hill Tower, built in 1765 by Richard Hull of Leith Hill Place so that people could enjoy the glory of the English countryside from above 1,000 feet – the tower is 64 feet (19.5 m) high.  After Hull’s death (he is allegedly buried underneath), the tower fell into ruin, it was filled with concrete and rubble and the entrance blocked.  A subsequent Victorian owner, William Evelyn, added a side tower to enable access to the top, but the National Trust fully restored it in the 1980s.  There is now a small café on the ground floor and it is said that 13 counties can be seen from the top – if you can manage the 74 steps.  Allegedly, the flagpoles are in fact mobile ‘phone masts.

There are carious car parks – the post code directs to Rhododendron Wood, near Leith Hill Place.  Leith Hill is also accessible by public transport.  The tower and café both have limited opening.  See the National Trust’s website for more information about this, and public transport. There is a charge to access the tower ('free' for NT members).

Near Coldharbour,
Post Code
Main Historic Period
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Primary Management
National Trust

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