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Kirkoswald Old Kirkyard

The old churchyard surround the ruins of Kirkoswald's old parish church, dedicated to St Oswald, King of Northumbria, who is said to have won a battle on the site in c634AD and built a church in thanks for his victory. Inside the church is the font that is said to have been used for the christening of Robert the Bruce at nearby Crossaguel Abbey in 1274, moved here for safety during the Reformation. It is not possible to enter the church, but the font can be seen through a door.  As well as containing several fascinating and astonishingly ornate headstones, the churchyard is the last resting place of many associated with Robert Burns, who went to school in Kirkoswald. Amongst the burials are his maternal grandparents, teacher, Hugh Rodger, John Davidson (Souter Johnnie), Douglas Graham (Tam o' Shanter) and Jean Kennedy (Kirkton Jean).

Main Road
Post Code
KA19 8HY
Main Historic Period
Souter Johnnie's Cottage, Culzean Castle
Primary Management

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